My Story
I was born on my grandparents small farm in a mid-western state. I spent my formative years on the farm, working with animals and working in agriculture. As I grew older, I lived in nearby cities attending elementary and high school.
The resilience and preparation and determination required to live on, and work on, a farm, gave me the attitudes and work ethics that are fundamental to meeting challenges of life.
The education and instruction that I received in the cities, and the opportunities that became apparent, and available, gave me material to chart a course and path for my life endeavors.
From that background, my professional, and other work has been dedicated to helping people strive to achieve the best versions of them selves!
My Mission is to help you develop and grow your Resilience and your Stress Mastery so that you can do what you do better and overcome the effects of the challenges and stressors that you face in your daily life
I practiced as a Psychologist, and as an Applied Behavior Analyst, providing services to adults and to children, for over thirty-five years.
In my work, I have coached many people toward resilience and shown them that they have the resources to meet the challenges that may come their way.
Drawing on my training, and experiences, and successes,
I now practice only as a Resilience Building and Stress Management Coach.
My passion is helping people feel and perform better.
My Education and Training:
Bachelors degree: Major, Sociology Minor, Psychology Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Missouri
Master and Doctorate of Philosophy degrees; Child Development and Developmental Psychology., University of Kansas, Lawrence.
Preparing to work begin certification program as a Psycho-physiologist.
Been through the pikes and the valleys.
Matriculated in the Universities of Success and Favor and managed to get through the School of Hard Knocks. Did well in both settings.
Family and Life Experience
I have been married to my wife for 25 years
We have 5 Children, hers, mine, and ours.
We have 7 grandchildren.
We have a large extended family and many associates and friends.
To the Future!
I believe we have much to offer you here.
I look forward to working with you and coaching you on your mission and journey as you BUILD RESILIENCE AND MASTER THE STRESSORS in your life.