Tax Credits Due Diligence Questionnaire
You are being supplied with this questionaire because you have claimed one of these credits in the past or you have indicated that you will be claiming one of them this year. The questionaire is designed to assist us in qualifying you for some valuable refundable tax credits.
While the questions may seem to be a little intrusive at times, they are questions that we are required to ask under the Due Diligence Requirements of the new Tax Laws.
Please complete them in as much detail as possible. Not all questions will apply to all taxpayers. If they do not apply to you please answer them as NA (not applicable) so that we will know that you read the question and didn't just miss it. Abbreviations used on the Questionaire:
CTC - Child Tax Credit
ACTC - Additional Child Tax Credit
EITC - Earned Income Tax Credit (Low Income Households)
AOTC - American Opportunity Tax Credit (College Credit)
FOR NEW CLIENTS with Dependents: Please remember to submit copies of social security cards, birth certificates and proof of residency (possibly school records or medical records showing the dependents name and YOUR address).
FOR TAXPAYERS CLAIMING COLLEGE TAX CREDITS: Please remember to submit copies of the Form 1098T that you received from the college AND a copy of the Bursar's statement from the college showing the Spring and/or Fall semester charges and payments. The Credit applies to all payments made in cash or via student loans to tuition, fees and related expenses. IT does NOT apply to Room and Board or travel expenses.
FOR TAXPAYERS CLAIMING HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD FILING STATUS: It is important to complete both the dependent questions and the Household Expense worksheet on page 3. If you are divorced or legally seperated please remember to include a copy of the divorce decree and/or seperation agreement. [NOTE: If the divorce is NOT final or you and your spouse lived together AT ANY TIME in the last 6 months of the tax year, you CANNOT claim Head of Household filing status]
IF you have any questions about the questionaire please do not hesitate to contact our office. We will be glad to assist you.
To be Completed by All Taxpayers with Dependents:
25 Questions
Are you married?
Have you ever been disallowed the EITC/AOTC/CTC? If so, when
Select Yes or No
Did you live in the United States and where?
If you are a single parent, where’s the other parent(s) of your child/children?
What is the name of the other parent(s)?
Why is the other parent of the child/children not claiming the child?
Explain why the dependent(s) have different last names than the taxpayer?
If you are separated/divorced, when did you last live in the same home?
Do you have joint custody of your child?
How long did the child live in your home during this tax year?
How long did your child/children live in the other parent’s home during this tax year?
How much income did the other parent have during this tax year?
Do you have a signed Form 8332?
Did anyone else live in the home that provides financial support for your child/dependent?
Does the taxpayer have full custody of their dependent(s)?
Is this your biological dependent(s)?
If the taxpayer was under the age of 18, explain circumstances and who/how the child was cared for until the taxpayer was old enough to support and care for her own child.
How old were you when your oldest child was born that is listed on this return?
How many months did the dependent(s) live in your home during the tax year?
Can anyone else claim your dependent(s) as a dependent on their tax return?
Is your dependent married?
If you live alone, who babysits while you work (for children 12 & younger)? Name:
Do you receive any other type of supplemental, non taxable income such as child support, welfare benefits, social security, etc? If so, how much and what kind?
How many months did the dependent(s) live in your home during the tax year?
Not Your Biological Child:
8 Questions
If this is not your biological child, what is your relationship to the dependent?
Did the dependent live in your home for more than 6 months?
Do you have custody?
Who are the biological parents?
Where do the biological parents live?
What were the circumstances leading to the dependent(s) being placed in your home?
Do you receive any financial aid for this child such as WIC, Medicaid, SNAP, listed on your health insurance policy, etc?
Are you listed as the guardian for this dependent(s) on school records, medical records, daycare records, or place of worship records?
College Credits
7 Questions
Which college did the student attend?
Did student attend at least half time?
Did this student receive a tuition statement from the school?
Did this student work while attending school?
How many tax years have you claimed the AOTC?
Any Drug Related Felonies?
Disabled At Any Age
9 Questions
If your dependent is over the age of 18 and Disabled, what is the nature of the disability?
Has this dependent been declared disabled by a physician?
If so, can you provide documentation?
Does dependent receive social security/disability benefits?
If so, can you provide documentation?
Are you listed as the Social Security Representative Payee for this dependent?
Is this the dependent(s) expected to recover in the next year?
If this is not your biological child, why is this child living with you and not another family member?
Where are the biological parents of your disabled dependent(s)?
Who cares for the disabled dependent while the taxpayer works?
Filing Status
17 Questions
What is your filing status?
Others that lived in your home that is not reported on this tax return?
Please also include their income.
Is this person biologically related to your dependent(s)?
Please note why the above named relative is not claiming the child on the above named relative’s tax return.
Please note Head of Household can ONLY be claimed by taxpayers with a Qualified Dependent AND who are:
Single and paying more than ½ cost of keeping up a home (complete worksheet below), OR
Married but did not live with your spouse AT ANY TIME in the last 6 months of the year OR
Divorced or LEGALLY seperated (Attach copy of Decree or Separation Agreement)
Monthly Income
Wages, Child Support, Other Income | Do not count money received under public assistance/welfare/foodstamps in the amount you paid. But include costs paid with public assistance in the total cost.
Total Property Taxes
Total Rent
Mortgage interest expense
Utility Charges
Upkeep and Repairs
Property Insurance
Food Consumed on the premises
Other Household expenses
Here were your total expenses
Tax Payer Signature
I agree to terms & conditions provided by the company. By providing my phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the business.